A Night on the Line

Sunday, September 24, 2006

If I were a citizen of a foreign country, for whom would I vote?

I have always been fascinated with political ideologies and political parties, especially in foreign countries. After studying this for quite some time back when I was in college, I found myself supporting the struggles of various political organizations who share beliefs similar to my own, in a myriad of foreign countries, and closely monitoring foreign elections. One day, I decided to compile a list of foreign political parties that I support. Here it is:

Albania - Democratic Party of Albania
Argentina - Union of the Democratic Centre
Australia - Liberal Party
Austria - Freedom Party (FPO)
Belgium - Vlaams Belang
Brazil - Democrats
Canada - Conservative Party
Chile - Alliance for Chile / Independent Democrat Union
Colombia - Liberal Party
Croatia - Croatian Democratic Union
Czech Republic - Civic Democratic Party (ODS)
Denmark - Danish People's Party (DPP) or Party for Freedom (PVV)
Estonia - Estonian Reform Party
Finland - National Coalition Party (KOK) or Christian Democrats
France - Movement for France (MPF)
Germany - Free Democratic Party (FDP) or Christian Democratic/Social Union (CDU/CSU)
Greece - New Democracy (ND)
Hungary - Hungarian Democratic Forum
Iceland - Independence Party
India - National Democratic Alliance or Bharatiya Janata Party
Ireland - Fine Gael
Israel - Likud Party
Italy - The People of Freedom
Japan - Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
Kosovo - Democratic League of Kosovo
Latvia - People's Party
Lithuania - Homeland Union
Luxembourg - Christian Social People's Party (CSV)
Macedonia - Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO–DPMNE)
Mexico - National Action Party (PAN)
Moldova - Christian Democratic People's Party
Norway - Progress Party
Poland - Civic Platform (PO)
Portugal - Social Democratic Party (PSD)
Romania - National Liberal Party
Russia - Right Cause
Serbia - G17 Plus
Slovakia - Slovak Democratic and Christian Union - Democratic Party (SDKU-DS)
Slovenia - Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS)
South Korea - Grand National Party
Spain - People's Party (PP)
Sweden - Liberal People's Party
Switzerland - Swiss People's Party (SVP)
Taiwan - Kuomintang
Thailand - Democrat Party
Turkey - Motherland Party or Democrat Party
Ukraine - People's Union Our Ukraine (NSNU)
United Kingdom - Conservative Party
United States - Republican Party
Uruguay - National Party or Colorado Party

European Union - European People's Party or Union for Europe of the Nations candidates

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Why it is irrelevant whether Islam is a "religion of peace"

People will think of Islam what they will and all the dozens of sects of Islam will have their own interpretation of what it is and what it stands for, just like every other bloody religion and ideology on this planet. Let me say it out front: I don't believe Islam is a "religion of peace." In fact, I wholeheartedly reject that notion. But then, just because something isn't necessarily peaceful does not mean that it is automatically bad.

If those who are so obsessed with the idea that Islam might not be a "religion of peace" and they hold the concept of "peace" so highly, why do they not associate themselves with pacifist organizations? Pacifists are the ultimate peaceniks; they believe that no principle, religion, or idea is worth defending, fighting for, and killing for. They would rather die or have their beliefs repressed and exterminated within a generation than stand up and defend them so that they may live on and propagate. My general rule is that any principle or belief not worth fighting and killing for is worthless and should be thrown out with the garbage. To me, that makes pacifists an even scarier lot than the most suicidal of mujahideen; sure, a pacifist is not going to cut your head off, but a pacifist is also not going to stand up and defend your civilization and would rather see it perish so that he/she can satisfy their self-centered and guilty conscience. Even worse, the weltanschauung of the pacifist is based on the totalitarian notion that a permanent peace is possible.

What few realize is that the very idea of a permanent peace is a relatively new concept; few, if any, prior to the nineteenth century believed in such a thing. (This is detailed in Michael Howard's fantastic little book, The Invention of Peace.) Peace was an abnormal, temporary, and rare phenomenon; war and conflict, on the other hand, were perfectly normal and considered to be a natural aspect of life. It was only in the nineteenth century that the idea of a permanent peace, coupled with the idea that war and conflict were abnormalities, was popularized in Western culture. Those who are obsessed with bringing about this permanent peace, the universalists and theologians of the left and right, do not realize what a totalitarian notion this is. As Gaetano Mosca has said, such a permanent peace is possible
"only if all the civilized world were to belong to a single social type, to a single religion, and if there were to be an end to disagreements as to the ways in which social betterment can be attained... even granting that such a world could be realized, it does not seem to us a desirable sort of world."
I agree with this notion. A permanent peace can only be obtained if a totalitarian society were to exist. For that matter, conflict, in the form of economic and political competition, coupled with reason and a Faustian scientific will to power, and even war, is what brought the West, and America in particular, to the position that it occupies in the world today. Unfortunately, this civilization is moving away from that very heritage.

Where would America be today if we had not crushed the feudalistic and anti-industrial Confederacy, forcibly kicked the great European empires out of the Western Hemisphere, crushed the Japanese and the Germans, and participated in a titanic half-century struggle against Communism in every corner of the world? If we had rejected all of this conflict and competition due to an obsession with some notion of a permanent peace, this country would be a mere speck on the map and may have even ceased to exist. Instead, because of conflict and competition, we are the strongest country in the world with the most dynamic and technologically advanced economy around.

The issue here is not whether Islam is a "religion of peace"; religions of peace, civilizations of peace, ideologies of peace, die out and fade into the footnotes of history. Therefore, the debate as to the peacefulness of Islam is a false debate, unless it takes all of these factors into consideration (something I have yet to see). "Peacefulness" is not necessarily a good thing.

So, let us end this silly debate about whether Islam is a peaceful religion; it's irrelevant. What we should be asking ourselves is this: "Should our country and civilization be a 'civilization of peace'?"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

So Colonel, is Islam part of the problem or not?

LTC Ralph Peters, a man whose writings on strategy and warfare I strongly admire, has penned a column in the NY Post in which he attacks so-called "Islam haters," a "rotten core" of American "right-wing extremists bent on discrediting honorable conservatism" "by insisting that Islam can never reform, that the violent conquest and subjugation of unbeliever's is the faith's primary agenda." Furthermore, he's

"... received no end of e-mails and letters seeking to "enlighten" me about the insidious nature of Islam. Convinced that I'm naive because I defend American Muslims and refuse to "see" that Islam is 100 percent evil, the writers warn that I'm a foolish "dhimmi," blind to the conspiratorial nature of Islam.

"Web sites list no end of extracts from historical documents and Islamic jurisprudence "proving" that holy war against Christians and Jews is the alpha and omega of the Muslim faith. The message between the lines: Muslims are Untermenschen.

"We've been here before, folks. Bigotry is bigotry - even when disguised as patriotism. And, invariably, the haters fantasizing about a merciless Crusade never bothered to serve in our military (Hey, guys, there's still time to join. Lay your backsides on the line - and send your kids!).

"It's time for our own fanatics to look in the mirror. Hard. (And stop sending me your trash. I'll never sign up for your "Protocols of the Elders of Mecca." You're just the Ku Klux Klan with higher-thread-count sheets.)

"As for the books and Web sites listing all those passages encouraging violence against the infidel, well, we could fill entire libraries with bloody-minded texts from the Christian past. And as a believing Christian, I must acknowledge that there's nothing in the Koran as merciless as God's behavior in the Book of Joshua."

As a side note, why on earth is he comparing the behavior of God to the behavior of radical Muslims? Last I checked, God is God, and Muslims are not God(s). While you ponder this odd and rather absurd comparison, let us see what Peters' has said about Islam in the past...

“But what about the issue of Islamic fundamentalism?

“I admire the perfect accuracy of Levi-Strauss’s description of Islam as a “barracks religion,” and I take a far less complacent view of Islamic fundamentalism than do colleagues for whom the only story of our time is the twilight of the Soviet Union. Nonetheless, I see the future of these varied peoples united by a common name for God as condemned to eternal mediocrity. Islamic fundamentalism is an exclusively negative phenomenon…

“Only outside enemies, real or imagined, allow the Islamic world to display the odd, fleeting semblance of unity. The destruction of Israel in a nuclear exchange, for example, will be less likely to trigger Islamic unity than to utterly dissolve it. Unable to direct their frustrations at the Zionist devil, the Islamic nations of the Eurasian landmass would quickly rediscover the holy and delectable mission of slaughtering each other over trivia." *

*Peters, Ralph, The War in 2020, Pocket Books, New York, NY, 1991, pg. 604

Or how about something more recent? From "Allah's Butchers," an article published by him on FrontPageMag.com back in mid-2004:

"Religions are what men make of them. In the Arab heartlands of Islam, Muslims are making a gory mess of their faith. It’s time to end the politically correct baby-talk insisting that Islam isn’t the problem. In the decaying Arab world, Islam is the problem—because of the way bitter old men interpret and deform its more humane precepts while embracing its cruelest injunctions.

"The decapitation of yet another American civilian can’t be dismissed as an aberration from “true” Islam. The tradition of beheading unarmed prisoners dates to the earliest decades of the Muslim faith. The butchering of Paul Johnson, Nick Berg and others isn’t a new phenomenon—it’s revivalism, “that old-time religion” returning for a re-match with secular devils.

"Millions of Muslims find such atrocities inspiring. Millions more view such cruelty as just. It’s the vicarious revenge of the self-made failure. And for every rent-a-cleric the Saudi government pushes in front of a television camera to condemn such acts, thousands of other mullahs continue to preach anti-Western hatred--the brutal specificity of which would horrify even America’s leftists, if only they stopped apologizing to terrorists long enough to listen."

Another thing he said in his little NY Post rant was that “...there’s a Realpolitik reason not to insult all Muslims: In the serious world of strategy and the military, you don’t make unnecessary enemies… We’ve got our hands full in the Middle East. Why alienate the Muslims of Indonesia or West Africa (or California)?”

Yet, rule # 16 of his essay, “When Devils Walk the Earth” (2001), says: “Do not worry about alienating already hostile populations.” Rule # 24 says, “In dealing with Islamic apocalyptic terrorists, remember that their most cherished symbols are fewer and far more vulnerable than are the West’s. Ultimately, no potential target can be regarded off limits when the United States is threatened with mass casualties. Worry less about offending foreign sensibilities and more about protecting Americans.” Finally, at the end of the essay, he states, “Begin with the study of the classical world-specifically Rome, which is the nearest model to the present-day United States. Mild with subject peoples, to whom they brought the rule of ethical law, the Romans in their rise and at their apogee were implacable to their enemies. The utter destruction of Carthage brought centuries of local peace, while the later empire’s attempts to appease barbarians consistently failed.”

Would he utter such words today? Was not the annihilation of Carthage genocide?

Elsewhere in that essay, he makes the following comments about Islam:

- “Contrary to recommending that believers “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,”
Muslims expect Caesar to render unto their faith…”

- “The power of the Crusader myth in today’s Middle East has far more to do with the perception of collective failure and vulnerability than with reality—after all, the Islamic Ottomans conducted a centuries-long, much more successful crusade against Europe thereafter, and Islamic warriors threatened the marches of Europe well into the nineteenth century. Islamic invaders did far more damage to the Ukraine and Poland than the Crusaders did to Palestine. Those in the Middle East who cite the Crusader conquest of Jerusalem as an act of peerless historical viciousness might do well to remember Islam’s conquest of Constantinople and Budapest, and the Ottoman progress to the gates of Vienna. If the streets of Jerusalem ran with blood, so did the streets-and churches-of Constantinople.”

- “While well-intentioned Westerners have gone to great lengths to refute Samuel Huntington’s thesis of a “clash of civilizations,” the man in the street in the Islamic world believes, intuitively, that the clash has been going on for a very long time, and no argument will dissuade him from his delicious belief in Western malevolence.”

Unfortunately, it looks as if the Colonel has a bipolarity issue in regards to Islam. As a result, I must ask, "So, Colonel, what is it; is Islam part of the problem, or is it not?"

I really don’t feel like going any further. I used to be very impressed by Peters’ work, but it seems like ever since he got his regular column in the NY Post he has floundered intellectually. I am saddened by the fact that Peters has strayed from his old-ways to appease the politically correct. May he regain his senses, and soon. I feel horrible citing him in this manner, but on this I simply think he is wrong, and I think he knows he is, too.

NOTE: This is cross-posted at Lawrence Auster's blog, here and here. I am "Justin T."

Monday, September 11, 2006

Remember 9/11!

Friday, September 01, 2006


This is a listing that I keep of websites linked to far-left, far-right, theological, and environmental extremist activities and organizations. In my spare time, I study extremist groups, so having such a list facilitates my studies. I do not endorse the views of ANY of the below links. However, if you care about the future of this country and this civilization as much as I do, you would do well to study these, as well.

I don't cover all the groups, for the list would be unbelievably long, however this does cover most of the extremist currents and the most popular sites, ranging from communists, anarchists, radical socialists, ecological extremists, racists, national socialists, fascists, militias, and religious radicals.

NOTE: at the bottom of this page are links to anti-extremist organizations...

Adelaide Institute (Neo-Nazi, Australia)
Adolf the Great (Neo-Nazi)
Africa Speaks (Black Nationalist)
AK Press (Far-Left Anarchist)
al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade (Militant Ultranationalist, Palestine)
Albasrah (Baathist, Iraq)
Alhusseini Dynasty (Radical Islamist)
All for Reparations and Emancipation (Black Nationalist)
Altermedia (National Anarchist)
American Free Press (Far-Right)
American Indian Movement of Colorado (Anti-American)
The American Journal (Far-Right)
American Muslim Alliance (Radical Islamist)
American Muslim Association of North America (Radical Islamist)
American Muslim Council (Radical Islamist)
American National Socialist Worker's Party (Neo-Nazi)
American Nationalist Union (Far-Right)
American Nihilist Underground Society (Anti-American Nihilist)
Animal Liberation Front (Eco-Terrorist)
American Revolutionary Vanguard (National Anarchist)
Arab European League (Radical Islamist)
Arctogaia (National Bolshevik, Russia)
Arktion Church (Pagan White Nationalist)
Arktion Federation (Pagan White Nationalist, Europe)
The Army of God (Pro-Life Terrorist)
Aryan Nations (1) (2) (Neo-Nazi)
Asatru Folk Assembly (Pagan White Nationalist)
Australian Nationalist Archive (White Nationalist, Australia)
The Barnes Review (Neo-Nazi)
Beam, Louis (Neo-Nazi Odinist)
Bite Back (Eco-Terrorist)
The Black Nationalist (Black Nationalist)
Black Radical Congress (Black Nationalist)
CagePrisoners (Radical Islamist)
Center for the Study of White American Culture (Anti-White)
Center for Constitutional Rights (Anti-American Leftist)
Chomsky, Noam (1) (2) (3) (Anti-American Anarchist)
Christian Exodus (Christian Reconstructionist Separatism)
Church of Euthanasia (Eco-Extremist)
Church of True Israel (Christian Identity)
Coalition on Revival (Christian Reconstructionist)
Code Pink for Peace (Anti-American Leftist)
Combat 18 (Neo-Nazi, UK)
Committee for Open Debate on The Holocaust (Holocaust "Revisionist")
Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights (Radical Islamist, UK)
Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru (Maoist)
Communist Party USA (Marxist-Leninist)
Council of Conservative Citizens (White Nationalist)
Council on American-Islamist Relations (Radical Islamist)
Counterpunch (Anti-American Leftist)
Creativity Movement (1) (2) (3) (Neo-Nazi)
Creator's Rights Party (Anti-Abortion Extremist)
Democratic Underground (Extreme Left)
Devi, Savitra ([DEAD] Neo-Nazi Ideologist)
Dragonland's Aryan Restoration Troops ("Traditionalist" Neo-Nazi)
Deutsches Kolleg (Neo-Nazi, Germany)
Duke, David (1) (2) (Neo-Nazi)
Earlson, Karl (White Nationalist)
Earth First! (Eco-Terrorist)
Earth Liberation Front (Eco-Terrorist)
Electronic Intifada (Radical Islamist)
Emperor's New Clothes (Jewish Ultranationalist)
Eurasia Movement (National Bolshevik, Russia)
European National Front (1) (2) (White Nationalist, EU)
Evola, Julius ([DEAD] "Traditionalist" Ideologist)
Finkelstein, Norman (Anti-Semitic)
First Amendment Exercise Machine (Neo-Nazi)
Folk and Faith (National Anarchist)
Free Your Mind Productions (White Nationalist Music)
Front National (White Nationalist, France)
Freedom Socialist Party (Communist)
Future Generations (White Nationalist Eugenics)
Galactica Publishing (National Anarchist)
Germania International (Far-Right)
Green Anarchist (Eco-Extremist)
Green Anarchy (Eco-Extremist)
Guerrilla News Network (Extreme Left)
Gunther, HFK ([Dead] Neo-Nazi Ideologist)
Historical Review Press (1) (2) (3) (Neo-Nazi)
Hitler Historical Museum (Neo-Nazi)
Hizbollah / Al-Manar (Radical Islamist, Lebanon)
Hizb-ut-Tahrir (Radical Islamist)
Hoffman, Michael (Neo-Nazi Conspiracist)
Holocaust Historiography Project (Holocaust "Revisionist")
Holy War (Christian Identity)
Imperial Klans of America (White Nationalist)
Independent Media Center (Far-Left)
Industrial Workers of the World (Anarchist)
Infoshop.org (Anarchist)
International Action Center (Stalinist)
International ANSWER (Stalinist)
International Socialist Organization (Marxist-Leninist)
International Solidarity Movement (Leftist / Radical Islamist)
International Working People's Association (Communist)
Irving, David (Holocaust "Revisionist")
Islam Online (Radical Islamist)
Islamic Circle of North America (Radical Islamist)
Islamic Human Rights Commission (Radical Islamist, United Kingdom)
Islamic Jihad (Radical Islamist, Palestine)
Islamic Society of North America (Radical Islamist)
Islamic Thinkers Society (Radical Islamist)
Jensen, Derrick (Primitivist)
Jewish Defense League (Jewish Militant)
Jewish Defense Organization (Jewish Militant)
Jewish Tribal Review (Anti-Semitic)
Jew Watch (Anti-Semitic)
JUS Global (Radical Islamist)
JR's Rare Books (Neo-Nazi)
Kahane.org (Kahanist)
Kavkaz Center (Radical Islamist, Chechnya)
Kemp, Arthur (Neo-Nazi)
Khilafah (Radical Islamist)
Kingdom Identity Ministries (Christian Identity)
Kinist Institute (White Nationalist)
Left Turn (Anti-American Leftist)
Liberamente (Far-Right, Italy)
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party (Neo-Nazi)
Lindstedt, Martin (Anti-American Militia)
Lowell, Norman (White Nationalist, Malta)
Macdonald, Kevin (White Nationalist)
Majority Rights Blog (White Nationalist)
Maoist Internationalist Movement (Maoist)
Marxists Internet Archive (Communist)
MEChA (Hispanic Nationalist)
Mexica Movement (Hispanic Nationalist)
Micetrap Distribution (Neo-Nazi)
Militia of Montana (Anti-American Militia)
Millions More Movement (Black Nationalist)
Monthly Review (Marxist-Leninist)
Muslim American Society (Radical Islamist)
Muslim Association of Britain (Radical Islamist, United Kingdom)
Muslim Link (Radical Islamist)
Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (Radical Islamist, United Kingdom)
Muslim Public Affairs Council (Radical Islamist)
Muslim Students' Association (Radical Islamist)
Muslim World League (Radical Islamist)
N'Cobra (Black Nationalist)
Nation of Aztlan (Hispanic Nationalist)
Nation of Gods and Earths (Radical Islamist Black Nationalist)
Nation of Islam (Radical Islamist Black Nationalist)
National Alliance (Neo-Nazi)
National Bolshevik Party (National Bolshevik, Russia)
National Council of La Raza (Hispanic Nationalist)
National Democratic Party (Neo-Nazi, Germany)
National Front (White Nationalist, United Kingdom)
National Lawyers Guild (Anti-American Leftist)
National Prayer Network (Christian Identity)
National Socialist Movement (Neo-Nazi)
National Vanguard (Neo-Nazi)
Nationalist Coalition (Neo-Nazi)
Nationalist Party USA (Neo-Nazi)
New Black Panther Party (Radical Islamist Black Nationalist)
New Left Review (Anti-American Leftist)
New Nation News (Neo-Nazi)
New Order (Mysticist Neo-Nazi)
New Panther Vanguard Movement (Radical Islamist Black Nationalist)
New Right (Far-Right, United Kingdom)
Not in Our Name (Maoist Anti-War)
Not Your Soldier (Anti-American Pacifist)
Novopress (National Anarchist)
NSBM (Neo-Nazi Music)
NSDAP/AO (Neo-Nazi)
Nuenke, Matt (White Nationalist)
Occidental Press (White Nationalist)
The Occidental Quarterly (White Nationalist)
Oliver, Revilo ([Dead] Neo-Nazi Ideologist)
Order of Nine Angles (Neo-Nazi Satanist)
Ordo Sinistra Vivendi (Neo-Nazi Satanist)
Original Dissent Forum (White Nationalist)
Outpost of Freedom (Anti-American Militia)
Pagan Front (Neo-Nazi Music)
The Phora (White Nationalist)
Political Soldier Movement (Neo-Nazi, United Kingdom)
Primitivism (Anti-Civilizational Anarchist)
Progressive Labor Party (Stalinist)
Race and History (Black Nationalist)
Race Traitor (Anti-White)
Racial Compact (White Nationalist)
Racial Nationalist Library (Neo-Nazi)
Radio Islam (Radical Islamist, Sweden)
Red Encyclopedia (Communist)
Refuse and Resist! (Anti-American Leftist)
Rense, Jeff (Far-Right Conspiracist)
Reparations Central (Black Nationalist)
Respect Party (Leftist / Radical Islamist)
Revisionists.com (Holocaust "Revisionist")
Revolutionary Communist Party (Maoist)
Rice, Boyd (Neo-Nazi Satanist)
Ruckus Society (Anti-American Leftist)
The Scriptorium (Neo-Nazi)
Scriptures for America (Christian Identity)
Sigrdrifa Education Network (White Nationalist)
Skadi.net Forum (White Nationalist)
Socialist Action (Trotskyite)
Socialist Labor Party (Communist)
The Socialist Register (Anti-American Leftist)
Socialist Workers Party (Trotskyite)
SolarGeneral (Neo-Nazi)
Spearhead (Neo-Nazi, United Kingdom)
Steele, Edgar (Neo-Nazi)
Stewart, Lynne (Anti-American Leftist)
Stirpes Forum (White Nationalist)
Students for a Democratic Society (Anti-American Leftist)
Synthesis (National Anarchist)
TBRNews (Neo-Nazi)
Temple of Prometheus (White Nationalist)
Third World Traveler (Anti-American Leftist)
TransAfrica Forum (Anti-American Leftist)
Turner, Hal (Neo-Nazi)
The Unjust Media (Radical Islamist)
Vaidilute (White Nationalist)
Vanguard News Network (Neo-Nazi)
Venezuelanalysis (Anti-American Leftist)
Veterans for Peace (Communist)
V.H.O. (Holocaust "Revisionism")
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (Eco-Extremist)
Wake Up or Die (Neo-Nazi)
War Resisters League (Anti-American Pacifist)
Weltner, Frank (Neo-Nazi)
Westboro Baptist Church (Anti-Gay Extremist)
Western Safeguards Initiative (Neo-Nazi)
What Really Happened (Extreme Left Conspiracist)
Whitaker, Bob (Neo-Nazi)
White, Bill (Neo-Nazi)
White Aryan Resistance (Neo-Nazi)
White People's Party (Neo-Nazi)
White Revolution (Neo-Nazi)
Woodharrow Institute (Pagan Far-Right)
Workers World Party (Stalinist)
A World to Win (Maoist)
World Socialist Web Site (Trotskyite)
World Systems Archives (Marxist)
Yggdrasil's Library (Neo-Nazi)
Z Communications (Anti-American Leftist)
Zundel, Ernst (Holocaust "Revisionist" / Conspiracist)

The sites below are "gateway organizations," in that they are not mainstream, but are not extremist, either. Rather, they serve as an ideological stepping stone between the mainstream and the extremists. See also sites listed on the Cool Links page that have asterisks around them.

Adbusters (Anti-Capitalist)
Alaskan Independence Party (Alaskan Separatist)
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (Arab Nationalist)
America First Party (Paleoconservative)
American Friends Service Committee (Anti-American)
American Renaissance (Moderate White Racialist)
AntiWar.com (Pacifist)
Arab-American Institute (Arab Nationalist)
Benoist, Alain (Nouvelle Droite)
Campus Anti-War Network (Anti-American Pacifist)
Center on Conscience & War (Pacifist)
Central Committee of Conscientious Objectors (Anti-American Pacifist)
Chalcedon Foundation (Christian Reconstructionist)
Christian Falangist Party of American (Far-Right)
Chronicles Magazine (Paleoconservative)
Common Courage Press (Far-Left)
Constitution Party (Paleoconservative)
CorpWatch (Anti-Capitalist)
Council for the National Interest (Anti-Israeli)
Democratic Socialists of America (Far-Left)
European American Issues Forum (Moderate White Racialist)
Focus on the Global South (Far-Left)
Free State Project (Libertarian Separatist)
G.R.E.C.E. (Nouvelle Droite, France)
Green Party USA (Far-Left)
Green Party of the United States (Far-Left)
John Birch Society (Right-Conspiracist)
Johnson, Matthew (Slavic Nationalist)
The Idyllic (White Nationalist)
Integral Tradition ("Traditionalist")
Iraq Veterans Against the War (Far-Left)
The Last Ditch (Far-Right)
League of the South (Confederate Separatist)
LewRockwell.com (Far-Right)
MIFTAH (Anti-Israeli)
Moore, Michael (Far-Left)
National Policy Institute (Moderate White Racialist)
New Internationalist (Far-Left)
The New Press (Far-Left)
Nouvelle Droite Archive (Nouvelle Droite)
Old Right (Far-Right)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Animal Rights Extremist)
Right Now! (Paleoconservative, United Kingdom)
Sacred Web ("Traditionalist")
The Scorpion (Nouvelle Droite, United Kingdom)
Seven Stories Press (Anti-American Leftist)
Sobran, Joe (Paleoconservative)
Social Contract Press (Moderate White Racialist)
Socialist Party USA (Far-Left)
Southern Independence Party (Confederate Separatist)
Sunic, Tomislav (Nouvelle Droite)
Tradition ("Traditionalist")
United for Peace & Justice (Pacifist)
Verso Books (Far-Left)
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (Islamist)
Washington Summit Publishers (Moderate White Nationalist)
Working for Change (Far-Left)

This is a short listing of anti-extremist organizations that are devoted exclusively to working against extremism, however be sure to check out the main Cool Links page for many other sites that are not dedicated exclusively like these are or for anti-Islamist sites. Sites with asterisks mean that while the site is a good resource for material on extremists, but, unfortunately, the ideology of the site's makers may be as extreme as those they study.

Activist Cash
Aktion Reinhard Camps Database
Anti-Defamation League
Anti-Revisionism Resources (France)
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Germany)
Campus Watch
Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism
Coogan, Kevin
Discover the Networks
Driessen, Paul K.
Einsatzgruppen Archives
Griffin, Roger (1) (2)
Holocaust Denial on Trial
Holocaust History Project
Holocaust Memorial Museum
Institute for the Study of Academic Racism
Institute of Race Relations (United Kingdom)
Islamic Supreme Council of America
Lomborg, Bjorn
Museum of Communism
Nizkor Project
* Political Research Associates (Far-Left) *
Rummel, R.J.
* Searchlight Magazine (Far-Left, United Kingdom)
Sedgwick, Marc
Shamash's Holocaust Page
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Southern Poverty Law Center
Stephen Roth Institute (Israel)
Stop Eco-Violence!
Tucker, William H.
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
williscarto.com Anti-Revisionism Page
Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies

Useful Links

What follows is a list of links that I keep around for reference purposes and general interest; they encompass many viewpoints from left-to-right, and my linking to it does not constitute an endorsement in any way. I do not link to any blogs on this list; that is reserved for my blogroll. If you would like me to add your blog to my blogroll, please send me an e-mail and I will do so.

If any of these links are broken, please notify me so that I can correct it. Thanks!

NOTE: Links with asterisks (* *) are ones that I consider to be either extremists or possible extremists.

Center-Right / Conservative / Republican-Leaning / Rightist

Acton Institute
The American
The American Conservative
American Conservative Union
The American Enterprise
American Enterprise Institute
The American Thinker
Americans for Tax Reform
The American Spectator
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs
Azure (Israel)
Basics Project
Capital Research Center
Center for the American Experiment
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Center for Health Transformation
Centre for Independent Studies (Australia)
Centre for Policy Studies (UK)
City Journal
Claremont Institute
Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education
Commentary Magazine
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Cybercast News Service
Discover the Network
Discovery Institute
Enter Stage Right
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Federalist Society
First Things
Free Congress Foundation
Frontiers of Freedom
FrontPage Magazine
Gun Owners of America
Heartland Institute
Henry Regnery Legacy Project
Heritage Foundation
Hoover Institution
Hudson Institute
Human Events
Institute for Policy Innovation
Institute of Public Affairs (Australia)
Institute for the Study of Civil Society (UK)
Institute on Religion and Democracy
The Intellectual Conservative
Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Jewish World Review
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies
Lexington Institute
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Manhattan Institute
National Center for Policy Analysis
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Review
National Rifle Association
National Taxpayers Union Foundation
New English Review
The New Atlantis
The New Criterion
On the Fence Films
Pacific Research Institute
The Patriot Post
Policy (Australia)
Policy Exchange (UK)
Policy Review
Protest Warrior
The Public Interest
Quadrant Magazine (Australia)
Republican Main Street Partnership
Republican Party
Republican Policy Committee
The Salisbury Review (UK)
Second Amendment Foundation
The Spectator (UK)
Stockholm Spectator (Sweden)
Thought You Should Know
Wall Street Journal Editorial Page
The Weekly Standard (1) (2)
The Western Standard (Canada)
Young America's Foundation

Center-Left / Liberal / Democratic-Leaning / "Progressive" Leftist

* American Civil Liberties Union *
The American Prospect
Blue Dog Coalition
Boston Review
Brookings Institution
Center for American Progress
Centre for Social Markets (UK)
Century Foundation
* Common Dreams News Center *
Democratic Leadership Council
Democratic Party
Dissent Magazine
Economic Policy Institute
The Euston Manifesto
* Global Policy Forum *
Harper's Magazine
* Institute for Policy Studies *
* International Relations Center *
Mother Jones (1) (2)
* The Nation *
New America Foundation
New American Liberalism
New Democrat Network
The New Republic
* The New Statesman (UK) *
Partisan Review (defunct)
Policy Network
* The Progressive (1) (2) *
Progressive Policy Institute
Prospect (UK)
Richard Florida Creativity Group
Social Democrats USA
Third Way
Urban Institute
Washington Monthly (1) (2)


Annenberg Political Fact Check
Citizens Flag Alliance
Common Good
Council on Competitiveness
Hope Street Group
National Bureau of Economic Research
Taxpayers for Common Sense


Accuracy in Academia
American Council of Trustees and Alumni
American Textbook Council
Campus Watch
Citizen's Guide to Education Reform
Education Next
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Intellectual Takeout
Landmark Legal Foundation
Milton & Rose D. Friedman Foundation
National Center for Education Statistics
Students for Academic Freedom


American Nuclear Society
American Petroleum Institute
B.P. Statistical Review
Energy Intelligence
Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
National Commission on Energy Policy
Nuclear Energy Institute
Set America Free
U.S. Department of Energy
World Nuclear Association


A Better Earth
Center for Global Food Issues
CO2 Science Magazine
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Eco-Imperialism / Driessen, Paul K.
Environmental Defense
Global Warming Petition Project
Greenspirit (Canada)
The Nature Conservancy
Property & Environment Research Center
Republicans for Environmental Protection


Consumers Against High Drug Prices
Medical Progress Today
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development

Labor Issues

Center for Union Facts
National Right-to-Work Committee

Libertarian / Objectivist / Anarcho-Capitalist / Dynamist

Activist Cash
Adam Smith Institute (UK)
America's Future Foundation
Annapolis Center
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
Ayn Rand Institute
Capitalism Magazine
Capitalism Site
Cato Handbook for Congress
Cato Institute
Center for Consumer Freedom
Centre for the New Europe (EU)
Citizens Against Government Waste
Foundation for Economic Education
Fraser Institute (Canada)
The Future... Faster!
The Future of Freedom Foundation
Galen Institute
Independence Institute
The Independent Institute
Institute for Justice
Institute for Liberty and Democracy (Peru)
Institute of Economic Affairs (UK)
The Intellectual Activist
International Society for Individual Liberty
Junk Science
Ludwig von Mises Institute
Marshall Institute
Milken Institute
Montreal Economic Institute (Canada)
National Federation of Independent Business
National Institute for Labor Relations Research
Objectivist Center
The Objective Standard
Online Library of Liberty
Penn & Teller: BULLSHIT! VIDEO
Reason (1) (2)
Reason Papers
Reason Public Policy Institute
Reform (UK)
Republican Liberty Caucus
Spiked-Online (UK)
Tax Foundation
Tech Central Station
Timbro (Sweden)

Media Research / Public Opinion

Accuracy in Media
Annenberg Public Policy Center
The Gallup Organization
Harris Interactive
Ipsos North America
Lying in Ponds
Media Research Center
Middle East Media Research Institute
Palestinian Media Watch (Israel)
Pew Research Center
The Second Draft
Zogby International

National Unity / Immigration

9/11 Families for a Secure America
American Civil Rights Institute
American Immigration Control Foundation
American Patrol
Americans for Immigration Control
Center for Equal Opportunity
Center for Immigration Studies
Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus
Counterbalance Foundation
Debating Racial Preference
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Issues & Views
Justice for Police Officer Daniel Faulkner
Migration Watch UK (UK)
Minuteman Project
National Foundation for American Policy
Racial Reality
Save Our State
Stalking the Wild Taboo
Team America PAC
U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform
U.S. English, Inc.


Advocates for ROTC
Air Force 2025
Air & Space Power Chronicles / Journal
Air War College
Armed Forces Journal
Army War College / Strategic Studies Institute
BELLUM - Military Strategy / Philosophy
Center for Army Lessons Learned
Center for Contemporary Conflict
Clausewitz Online
Combined Arms Research Library
Defend America
Defense and the National Interest
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Industry Daily
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense News
Defense Science Board
Foreign Military Studies Office
Global Security
Inside Defense NewsStand
Institute for National Security Studies
International Peace Operations Association
John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Joint Force Quarterly
Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory
Military Review
Military Thought (1) (2) (Russia)
National Defense Magazine
National Defense University
Naval War College
Office of Naval Research
Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces
Small Wars Journal
Soldier of Fortune (1) (2)
Special Operations
Strategy Page
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Navy

Intelligence / Islamic Terrorism-Related / Military Strategy

America's Truth Forum
American Islamic Congress
Americans Against Hate
American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Apostates of Islam
Ariel Center for Policy Research (Israel)
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (Israel)
C4I.org - Computer Security and Intelligence
Canadian Coalition for Democracies
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (Canada)
Center for Islamic Pluralism
Center for Special Studies (Israel)
Center for the Study of Political Islam
Central Intelligence Agency
Centre de notícies per a la difusió de les Ciències Criminalògiques (Spain)
Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (UK)
Coalition Against Terrorist Media
Coalition for a Secure Driver's License
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
Committee on the Present Danger
The Counterterrorism Blog
Cromwell Organizational Database
* Cryptome *
DEBKA - Intelligence (Israel)
Divest Terror
Doyle, Neil - Terrorism Tracker
Faith Freedom International
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Free Iran News
Free Muslims Against Terrorism
Freeman Center for Strategic Studies
Global Justice Group
Global Research in International Affairs (Israel)
Global Terror Alert
Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos (Spain, en Español)
Informed Source downloads
Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society
The Intelligence Summit
International Association for Counterterrorism & Security Professionals
International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism (Israel)
Internet Haganah (Israel)
"Internet Toolbox for Islam Critics"
The Investigative Project
Islam Comic Book
Islamic Supreme Council of America
Islamist Watch
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel)
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (Israel)
Jerusalem Institute for Western Defence (Israel)
Loyola Intelligence Gateway
The Middle East Forum
MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base
National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S.
National Council of Resistance of Iran
National Intelligence Council
National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
National Military Intelligence Association
NEFA Foundation
Northeast Intelligence Network
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive
Patriot Debates
Palestine Facts
The Religion of Peace?
Rewards for Justice
Site Institute
Society for Internet Research
South Asia Terrorism Portal (India)
Stop the ISM
Tell the Children the Truth
Terrorism Research Center
Tracking the Threat
Unrestricted Warfare (book from China)
U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon
Washington Center for Peace and Justice
Watch - Covering the War on Terror

Politico-Military Affairs / International Relations / Trade

Africa Fighting Malaria
American Diplomacy
American Foreign Policy Council
The American Interest
American Security Council Foundation
Anglosphere Institute
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Cato Center for Trade Policy Studies
Center for Advanced Defense Studies
Center for Defense Information
Center for Free Emigration
Center for Global Development
Center for International Private Enterprise
Center for Security Policy (1) (2)
Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments
Center for Strategic & International Studies
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute
Centre for Military and Strategic Studies (Canada)
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy
Commonwealth Institute
Copenhagen Consensus Center (Denmark)
Council for Canadian Security in the 21st Century (Canada)
Council on Foreign Relations
* Crimes of War Project *
EastWest Institute
The Eurasian Politician (Eurasia)
The Euston Manifesto
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Centre (UK)
* Foreign Policy in Focus *
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Future Directions International (AU)
Global Aging Initiative at CSIS
Harvard International Review
Henry Jackson Society (UK)
High Frontier
Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies (Egypt)
Information Technology Industry Council
Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studies
Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis
Institute for International Economics
Institute for Science and International Security
Institute for Security Studies (South Africa)
Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (Pakistan)
International Commission on Intervention & State Sovereignty (Canada)
International Institute for Strategic Studies (UK)
International Relations and Security Network (Switzerland)
International Security
International Strategic Studies Association
Jamestown Foundation
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Journal of Democracy
Journal of International Security Affairs
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies (Canada)
Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
National Bureau of Asian Research
National Defense Industrial Association
National Institute for Public Policy
The National Interest
* The National Security Archive *
New Perspectives Quarterly
Nixon Center
Nonproliferation Policy Education Center
Nuclear Control Institute
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Political Science Quarterly
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
Power & Interest News Report
Project for the New American Century
RAND Corporation
Russia in Global Affairs (Russia)
Soldiers for the Truth
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sweden)
Trudeau Center for Peace & Conflict Studies (Canada)
Truman National Security Project
U.S. Commission on National Security / 21st Century
U.S. Institute of Peace
War, Chaos, and Business
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
The Washington Quarterly
Watson Institute for International Studies
The Wilson Quarterly
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
World Affairs (1) (2)
Voice for Europe
World Policy Institute
World Security Network


Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Encyclopedia Mythica
Jewish Virtual Library
Northvegr Foundation
Sacred Texts Archive
USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts

Space Related

Island One Society
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Scaled Composites
Space Daily
Space Frontier Foundation
Space Future
The Space Review
X-Prize Foundation

Human Biodiversity / Archaeology

Anthro.Net Archaeology & Anthropology Search
Anthropology in the News
Archaeology Magazine
Biological Basis of Law
Bio-Rational Institute
Center for the Study of the First Americans
Current Archaeology (UK)
Evolutionary Economics
Evolutionary World Politics
Future Human Evolution
Galton Internet Archive
Human Behavior & Evolution Society
Human Biodiversity Institute
Human Nature Review
Institute for Applied Psychometrics
International HapMap Project
International Society for Intelligence Research
International Society for the Study of Individual Differences
London School of Differential Psychology
The Mankind Quarterly
Pioneer Fund
The Race FAQ
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Talk.Origins Archive
World Transhumanist Association

Fun Personality / Political Ideology Quizzes

Jung-Myers-Briggs Typology Test
Moral Politics Test
Pew Research Center Typology Quiz
Political Compass
The Political Gauge
Political Ideology Quiz (old, but good)
Politopia Political Compass
Tickle Tests

Art / Architecture/ Aesthetics / Castles

Art History Resources on the Web
Art Renewal Center
Castles of Britain (UK)
Castles of Wales (UK)
Castles on the Web
Futurism and the Futurists
Great Buildings Collection
Medieval Illustrated Manuscripts
Roads to Ruins (Germany)
Russian State Hermitage (Russia)
Skyscraper Page
Third Reich in Ruins
Totalitarian Art
Waterhouse, John William
Web Gallery of Art
Yahoo! Architecture

Various / Other / Interesting Links

Bartleby.com Online Books
Center for Responsive Politics
Charles Lindbergh, An American Aviator
CIA World Factbook
Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (Canada)
East German & Latin American Propaganda Archive
Economic Freedom of the World
Economic Freedom Network
Economic History Services
Election World (intl electoral info)
Eyewitness to History
Examining the Myths of the Vietnam War
FBI Uniform Crime Reports
Federal Country Studies
Federation of American Scientists
Flags of the World
The Founders' Constitution (Constitutional Encyclopedia)
Freedom House
German Armed Forces 1919-1945
German Propaganda Archive
High Energy Weapons Archive
History of Economic Thought
Illustrated History of the Roman Empire
International Data Base
International Relations Theory
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Jolly Roger Classical Portal
Library of Congress
Lonely Planet Online (Travel Info)
Looksmart's Find Articles
Medieval and Classical Library
Museum of World War II
NationMaster.com Country Statistics
Perseus Digital Library
Plausible Futures Newsletter
Population Reference Bureau
Project Avalon: Documents in Law, History, & Diplomacy
Project Vote-Smart
Russian History Websites
Skeptic Magazine
Skeptical Inquirer
Spartacus Educational (UK)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
TheForce.net (Star Wars megasite)
Theodore Roosevelt Association
THOMAS - Legislative Info
Transparency International
Univ. of Texas Library Online Map Collection
Urban Legends Reference Pages
U.S.M.A. History Department Maps
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics
U.S. State Dept. - Country Background Notes
Wayback Machine
Yahoo! Reference

The Definitive Anti-Chomsky Link List

This is a list of material debunking the Chomsky cult as being filled with endless anti-American lies and distortions. It is by no means complete and contains only independent essays and articles, with links to blogs where hundreds of posts have been made regarding this subject. Simply put, there are far too many to list, so I'm sticking to the major stuff. If you have any sites you would like me to add, please feel free to e-mail me with a link and I will be more than happy to consider it.


"Beyond Chomsky" Linguistics Archive

LeftWatch.com's Anti-Chomsky Archive


Chomsky Watch

David Horowitz's Blog

Diary of an Anti-Chomskyite

Oliver Kamm's Blog


Partners in Hate: Noam Chomsky and the Holocaust Deniers, by Werner Cohn

The Anti-Chomsky Reader, by Peter Collier & David Horowitz

Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the '60s, by Peter Collier & David Horowitz

Intellectual Morons, by Daniel Flynn

Forty-Four Reasons Why the Chomskians Are Mistaken, by Alexander Gross

Noam Chomsky: A Critical Review, by Russil Wvong

The Top 100 Chomsky Lies, by Paul Bogdanor

Essays and Articles (dated)

A Frustrating Task, by Samuel P. Huntington, The New York Review of Books, January 1, 1970

The Denial of the Dead: On the Faurisson Affair, by Nadine Fresco, Dissent Magazine, Fall 1981

Chomsky on U.S. foreign policy, by Stephen Morris, Harvard International Review, Dec.-Jan. 1981

On Faurisson and Chomsky, by Pierre Vidal-Naquet, except from Assassins of Memory, 1992

The Khmer Rouge Canon 1975-1979: The Standard Total Academic View on Cambodia, by Sophal Ear, May 1995

Noam Chomsky, Punk Hero, by K. L. Billingsley, Heterodoxy / Frontpagemag.com, Mar. 1996

My Allergic Reaction to Noam Chomsky, by Bradford DeLong, Oct. 23, 1998

Intellectual Class War, by David Horowitz, Frontpagemag.com, Jan. 24, 2000

Horowitz's Notepad: Chomsky’s Destructive Influence, by David Horowitz, Frontpagemag.com, Aug. 23, 2001

The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky, by David Horowitz, Frontpagemag.com, Sept. 26, 2001

The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky: Part II Method and Madness, by David Horowitz, Frontpagemag.com, Oct. 10, 2001

The World’s Most Shameless Liar Unloads Some More, by David Horowitz, Frontpagemag.com, Oct. 22, 2001

Chomsky’s Smear of Horowitz an Expected Disgrace, by Jamie Glazov, Frontpagemag.com, Oct. 26, 2001

Former 60’s Radical David Horowitz Exposes Lies Spread by MIT Professor Noam Chomsky, by David Horowitz, Frontpagemag.com, Oct. 29, 2001

Horowitz's Notepad: Noam Chomsky Volunteers to Serve as Domestic Propaganda Chief for Taliban War Machine, by David Horowitz, Frontpagemag.com, Oct. 29, 2001

Pearl Harbor Day and the Hate-America Left, by Jamie Glazov, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 7, 2001

Noam Chomsky’s Jihad Against America, by David Horowitz & Ronald Radosh, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 19, 2001

The Last Word on the Afghan "Genocide", by Ronald Radosh, Frontpagemag.com, Jan. 4, 2002

Noam needs a fact checker, by various authors, Salon.com, Jan. 22, 2002

Chomsky’s Immoral Divestiture Petition, by Alan Dershowitz, Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2002

America's Dumbest Intellectual, by Stefan Kanfer, City Journal, Summer 2002

Noam Alone, by Pejman Yousefzadeh, TechCentralStation.com, June 26, 2002

Saddam's American Propaganda Team, by John Perazzo, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 4, 2002

The Intellectual Origins of America-Bashing, by Lee Harris, Policy Review, Dec. 2002 - Jan. 2003

The Coercive Anarchism of Noam Chomsky, by Barry Loberfield, Liberty Magazine, Jan. 31, 2003

Hanoi Chomsky, by Tim Starr, Frontpagemag.com, Feb. 11, 2003

Hanoi Chomsky II, by Tim Starr, Frontpagemag.com, Feb. 12, 2003

Hate America Guru Faulted, by Marc Miyake, RightWingNews.com, Mar. 17, 2003

The hypocrisy of Noam Chomsky, by Keith Windschuttle, The New Criterion, May 2003

Portrait of a Progressive Terrorist, by Greg Yardley, Frontpagemag.com, Aug. 25, 2003

College President Cheers Chomsky, by Richard P. Bruneau, Frontpagemag.com, Nov. 10, 2003

By the left... about turn, by Nick Cohen, The Guardian, Dec. 14, 2003

Noam Chomsky's Satanic Verses, by Paul Crespo, Frontpagemag.com, Jan. 29, 2004

Linguistic Crimes, by Pejman Yousefzadeh, TechCentralStation.com, Mar. 10, 2004

Chomsky Identifies "The Evil" That Haunts the World, by Amir Taheri, Asharq al-Awsat, Mar. 13, 2004

Discourse and Double Standards, by Pejman Yousefzadeh, TechCentralStation.com, Mar. 19, 2004

Did We Have It Coming?, by Lee Harris, TechCentralStation.com, Mar. 23, 2004

Noam Chomsky: Unrepentant Stalinist, by Anders G. Lewis, Frontpagemag.com, Apr. 12, 2004

Chomsky's War Against Israel, by Paul Bogdanor, NATIV, June 2004

Gucci Radicals, by Jacob Laksin, Frontpagemag.com, June 2, 2004

The Intellectuals' Michael Moore, by Peter Collier, Frontpagemag.com, Aug. 3, 2004

A Disgraceful Career, by Keith Windschuttle, The New Criterion, Sept. 2004

Dissecting Chomsky and Anti-Americanism, by George Shadroui, IntellectualConservative.com, Sept. 6, 2004

Chomsky's Empty Suit, by Charles de Wolf, Frontpagemag.com, Sept. 29, 2004

Noam Chomsky and the New Anti-Semitism, by Benjamin Kerstein, Frontpagemag.com, Oct. 5, 2004

The Chomsky Challenge, by John Williamson, Frontpagemag.com, Nov. 5, 2004

What Noam Chomsky Really Wants, by Benjamin Kerstein, Frontpagemag.com, Nov. 9, 2004

The Chomsky Challenge: NYU, by John Williamson, Frontpagemag.com, Nov. 17, 2004

Demystifying Chomsky, by Irwin J. Mansdorf, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 2, 2004

Chomsky on Pearl Harbor, by Paul M. Postal, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 6, 2004

Mark Levine: Noam Chomsky as Rock Star, by Robert Spencer, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 7, 2004

Chomsky's Myth of the Leftist Silent Majority, by Benjamin Kerstein, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 14, 2004

The Chomsky Challenge, (different from other with same title), by John Williamson, Frontpagemag.com, Dec. 17, 2004

Chomsky's Linguistics Refuted, by John Williamson, Frontpagemag.com, Jan. 3, 2005

Chomsky's Havana Lie, by Nick Rizzuto, Frontpagemag.com, Jan. 19, 2005

Symposium: Noam Chomsky: Academic Insider or Outsider?, by Jamie Glazov, Frontpagemag.com, Feb. 18, 2005

Chomsky's Book Burners, by Tom Nichols, Frontpagemag.com, Mar. 30, 2005

Chomsky: The Theory Unified and Deconstructed, by John Williamson, Frontpagemag.com, Apr. 1, 2005

Noam Chomsky's Hatreds, by Edward Alexander, Frontpagemag.com, May 6, 2005

The Branding of the World's Top Intellectual: Noam Chomsky, by Peter Schweizer, TechCentralStation.com, Oct. 19, 2005

The Chomsky File, by Rachel Neuwirth, AmericanThinker.com, Jan. 6, 2006

Noam Chomsky, by Peter Schweizer, National Post, Mar. 21, 2006

Noam Chomsky's Love Affair with Nazis, by David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin, Frontpagemag.com, May 15, 2006

American Linguist Noam Chomsky: ‘Hitler was Unique... But We Should Recognize Similarities in Planning, Policies, and Thinking’, MEMRI, May 31, 2006

The Ayatollah of Anti-Americanism, by Jacob Laksin, Frontpagemag.com, June 26, 2006

Noam Chomsky's Support for Hezbollah, by Zachary Hughes, CAMERA, July 20, 2006

Chomsky's New Blood Libel, by Alan Dershowitz, Frontpagemag.com, July 26, 2006

Who Is Noam Chomsky?, by Roger Scruton, OpinionJournal.com, September 26, 2006

Essays and Articles (Undated)

Noam Chomsky @ DiscoverTheNetworks.org

Noam Chomsky: Profile @ Stand4Facts.org

Averaging Wrong Answers: Noam Chomsky and the Cambodia Controversy, by Bruce Sharp @ mekong.net

Chomsky Lies: denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia, by James's Liberty file collection @ jim.com

Evil Scholars? Noam Chomsky and Cambodia (Debate), by Bruce Sharp and John Kenneth Rucell @ mekong.net

Noam Chomsky on the CIA Demographic Catastrophe Report, by Nathan Folkert @ mekong.net

Pariah Against a Prophet, by Marc Miyake @ rightwingnews.com